San Jose

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San Jose is located in USA

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DocEng 2020, HOTI 2020, CLEO 2019, CLEO 2018, S&P 2017, CLEO 2017, ISPCE 2017, CPMMS-Health 2016, CHI 2016, CLEO 2016, ICAC 2013, ICAC 2012, ISSAC 2011, PODC 2011, ISCA 2011, PLDI 2011, ACM GIS 2010, IEEE ECCE 2009, ICWSM 2009, EI 2009, SPIE EI 2009, ANCS 2008, EP 2008, CICC 2008, SEMI-THERM 2008, MMCN 2008, CHI 2007, ASPLOS 2006, AAAI 2004, SAC 1997, OOPSLA 1996, HPCA 1996, PODS 1995, AAAI 1992, SIGMOD 1983, SIGMOD 1975